Read some reviews of

          "Evening Class"

         by Maeve Binchy


I want to take an Evening Class! April 28, 2000

Reviewer: Dianna Wilmoth (from Miami), OK


This was my first Maeve Binchy novel, and I have to say it was absolutely incredible!

I LOVED the way she intertwined1 the students' lives. After reading this novel, I couldn't wait to try another one of her books – I went straight to the bookstore and purchased nine of her previous works!


1 intertwine = verflechten


My review March 27, 2000

Reviewer: Ana Maria Barrenechea


Maeve Binchy has a special gift for setting up plots that have you totally engrossed1 in them.

In this case, I could almost feel the loneliness and pain that Nora feels when she has to return to her native country. Just to feel close to her previous life, she turns to teaching her favorite language, Italian.

Great plot, great characters that you learn to love and hate. It will keep you up at night just thinking what may happen to them!


1 engross = fesseln, gefangen nehmen; engrossing = fesselnd


Strong book from which I learned. November 24, 1999

Reviewer: Philinda Stern Gruen from California, USA


I very much enjoyed Evening Class, my third Binchy book. As a teacher myself, I saw how another one was so dedicated1 and enthusiastically effective. According to her bio, Binchy herself was a Latin teacher. I learned from the various characters as well: the showing of love for Mario, and the backbone of Constanza. The only character that puzzled me was Nell Dunne. She seemed to be not the least upset that her marriage was ending, that she was entirely alone, and that she would have only half the house to which she was accustomed.


1 dedicated = engagiert



Maeve Binchy is becoming one of my favorite authors. Evening Class is the 4th Binchy book I have read, but it is not the typical Binchy book compared to Circle of Friends, Glass Lake and Echoes. I was left not really knowing the characters. Because there were so many characters, Binchy was not able to fully develop them. The storytelling part of the book is very grand. Binchy is truly a master to interweave1 so many characters together. My next one will be Light a Penny Candle!


1 interweave = verweben, verflechten


Stories of people from all walks of life1 woven into one      September 19, 1999

Reviewer: A reader from New York


This is the third book by Maeve Binchey I have read. The first two were collections of enjoyable short stories. What a nice suprise "Evening Class" was. I thought it was brilliant the way the author told very unique tales about unique individuals while finding a way to tie all of them together in one masterful tale.


1 people from all walks of life = Leute aus allen Schichten und Berufen



Maeve Binchy   "Evening Class"   ISBN 0440223202