Phonetic transcription:    IPA  /  Merriam-Webster  /  ASCII Phonetics

In general, there are two different systems to show how English words are pronounced. Dictionaries in Europe normally use IPA symbols; dictionaries in America prefer the Merriam-Webster ones.

In ASCII texts, neither of these systems can be used. Therefore, I have created a new system that one should call ASCII Phonetics. It is in fact very similar to Merriam-Webster's approach, but it avoids any special characters.

In order to help you understand my new symbols, I will give an overview here on the phonetic transcription in all three systems. 

Please note that British English (BE) is given before a vertical stroke (|), American English (AE) after this stroke.

You should print out this document to use it while working with words and their phonetic spelling.


Vokale, vowels, Phonetik, phonetische Transkription, IPA, Merriam-Webster, ASCII phonetics

Diphthonge, diphthongs, Phonetik, phonetische Transkription, IPA, Merriam-Webster, ASCII phonetics

Konsonanten, consonants, Phonetik, phonetische Transkription, IPA, Merriam-Webster, ASCII phonetics

Konsonanten, consonants, Phonetik, phonetische Transkription, IPA, Merriam-Webster, ASCII phonetics

Betonung, stress, Phonetik, phonetische Transkription, IPA, Merriam-Webster, ASCII phonetics


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